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Abby Zachritz

Fundraising for Wyatt Z's Josi Stroller/Bicycle Trainer

This would allow us to take Wyatt so many more places. He plays on a soccer team that he is unable to use his electric wheelchair for so we’ve been putting him in a wheelchair that he’s outgrown and we have to use tons of pillows and it’s not the safest for him. He also would be able to go to the beach with us. He would be able to go on vacations and be on the same level floor with us. These are all very important things. This would be quality of life changer!

This would allow us to take Wyatt so many more places. He plays in a soccer team that he is unable to use his electric wheelchair in so we’ve been putting him in a wheelchair that he’s outgrown and we have to use tons of pillows and it’s not the safest for him. He also would be able to go to the beach with us. He would be able to go on vacations and be on the same level floor with us. These are all very important things. This would be quality of life changer.


Fundraising Progress
$4,035 raised of $4,995 goal


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